Over nearly 30 years of tours, we have only conducted three overseas tours; a fourth was cancelled when I had heart surgery and, while ready to go, the doctor said no and the Sicilian trip was canceled. Time passed, and we were unable to reschedule.
An overseas trip requires a site survey that is a sunk cost of the tour. Before scheduling surveys, we need to know if there is a serious interest. BGES is doing a charter trip in May 2023 to England and France oriented on D-Day and a robust spousal agenda—we have 40 registered including 18 spouses each paying nearly $6,000 inclusive of round-trip airfare from NY to London and Paris to NY on May 6-18.
This survey asks for positive intentions or interest only—NEGATIVE replies are not needed. Please reply by return email naming those tours you would seriously consider registering for. A $1,000-per-person security deposit per trip will be required if we schedule. This survey is only to gauge interest in developing an itinerary. We will go from there.
- 2024: Ireland with Neil Mangum
- Dates to be determined: The Italian Campaign in three parts
- Operation Husky—Sicily and Malta
- Invasion of Italy—From Paesteum and Salerno to Rome
- Northern Italy Campaign from Florence through the capture and execution of Mussolini, ending in Milan
- D-Day
- A Military Staff Ride of the Normandy Campaign (for serious students only)
- To Enter the Continent of Europe (a spouse-friendly tour of the D-Day preparation and invasion ending in Paris)
- America Enters WWII: Pearl Harbor, Guam, Manila, Bataan, and Corregidor
- Nimitz’s Central Pacific Campaign: Honolulu, Guam, Saipan, Tinian, Okinawa, Hiroshima, and Tokyo
- The Battle for the Ardennes and the Battle of the Bulge
Each will have different breakeven numbers, but if a program does not have at least 20 people with an interest, we will not proceed further in the planning. A site survey for Ireland is scheduled for April 2023 but will only be conducted if we have enough expressed interest (at least 20 people) to go ahead. Please respond back by email to blueandgrayeducation@yahoo.com. We will tally the responses, and further planning will proceed if sufficient interest is expressed.

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