We depend on volunteers to help in several areas. We highly value individuals with accounting skills, with CPAs being particularly valuable. We look for gardening and lawn maintenance volunteers. Painters, carpenters, electricians, computer programmers, and social media experts are all welcome. We are seeking one or more disciplined and knowledgeable Twitter and Instagram specialists.
Board of Directors Members
Our Board of Directors is a volunteer board consisting of BGES members from across the country. Since our Board members are scattered throughout the nation, most Board meetings are held via telephone conference calls. Typically one meeting a year, however, is held in Chatham, Virginia. In addition to participation in Board meetings, other requirements include donating at the Brigade level or higher, dedication to the BGES mission, willingness to pay individual expenses for travel and room for Board-related functions, and expertise in one or more levels of fundraising inclusive of Annual Funds, Major Gift Planners, and Capital Fund Fundraising. For more information, please email blueandgrayeducation@yahoo.com.
Wounded Warrior Tour Assistants
The BGES is providing free Civil War programs to disabled veterans to help them re-assimilate into society after combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since most participants are American soldiers, airmen, marines, and sailors undergoing rehabilitation, we especially welcome military veterans, employers looking for veteran employees, and combat veterans of other wars who can converse easily with the warriors and their family members. Average tours have 20 service members and family. Volunteers are responsible for paying for their individual expenses, other than meals during the events. To volunteer or to get more information, please email blueandgrayeducation@yahoo.com.
More than 15 years of BGES programs are video- or audio-recorded. In order to make the recordings available in written archival form for future researchers and students of the war, those recordings must be transcribed. These transcriptions have most recently been used in the publication of Ed Bearss’ Fields of Honor book. If you would like to participate or learn more, please email blueandgrayeducation@yahoo.com.
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