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An Explorer’s Guidebook to America’s Revolutionary War
“Sure to be Best In Its Class”
✅ Indispensable for Road Warriors & Armchair Time Travelers Alike
✅ Great Gifts for Students and Adults
✅ 464 pages of full color, tours, sidebars, site instructions, and essays
Purchase Revolutionary War Book
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Join the Blue and Gray Education Society
America’s Results Oriented Educational Group since 1994
✅ Projects & Programs Completed On Time and Budget – View Projects
✅ All Funded By YOUR donations and participation
✅ Donations Tax Deductible
Proud Sponsor of
A Taste of History
BGES is sponsoring the 12th Season of the Emmy Award-winning series
✅ Season 12 with 10 weekly Episodes started on October 1 on PBS and other streaming services
✅ Click here to see the trailer
✅ More Info, Great gifts, Cookbooks and DVDs
GET OUT IN THE WEEDS & CONNECT WITH HISTORY | Our historians interact with the individuals in our small groups to deliver a powerful personal and insightful interpretative experience. Using 15 passenger vans we access areas buses and large tour groups cannot.
BGES is a non profit, tax exempt educational organization that engages in preservation and educational projects that help Save our Civil War History. The costs of these projects are paid from tax deductible donations from members of the BGES and good people like you. Here is some of what we are doing now.

Help us get it right!
The next edition of our best-selling Civil War: A Travelers Guide is in the works.
Please send us any mistakes you have discovered in the first edition.

Who, what, where, why?
Know something about the Civil War? We’re posting 15 photos each month from the Medford Massachusetts Historical Society collection of photos by Samuel Crocker Lawrence, a Civil War general, and Medford’s first mayor. Follow this link to join our treasure hunt and see how many you can identify.
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